Thursday, October 29, 2009

Semester Tr33~~ Animation Specialisation!

Oh wow... ladies and gentlemen, and its now time for Semesterrrr 3!!! Let's give it up for the next beautiful 3 months ahead shall we? *appluads*

Reporter: So you've made it to semester 3! Congratulations!

BaAnna: Yes! Kiss my feet now! Muahahaha! (deflating sounds in the background)

Reporter: Hah! Don't get too cocky you twerp.. Taste my fist of humility!!!!

BaAnna: GAHH! *stars abound* .... okok... can't a girl have a moment of self accomplishment??

Reporter: BaH! You can go swim in your pride all you want when you're done with THIS semester... *spits*

BaAnna: sobs. So harsh... At least say something about the new layout... isn't it nice? Thanks to Sisca and!

Reporter: (foot tapping the ground) ISn't SOMEONE supposed to be doing their animation? Hmmmmmmmmmm?????

BaAnna: but but... *shrinks*

Reporter: (steelly dagger glares)

BaAnna: (slips back to Maya) ...damn it! GAH!


    love the witty dialogue and self-bashing! ><

  2. Thanks Alvin!

    Haha.. Think i'm about to go crazy shuu~ Jiayou with VFX!

  3. haha how can u go crazy if u're already crazy to begin with?? thanks Annaaaaa Jiyou with Animation!!! =DDD
